Saturday, April 14, 2007


not to be confused...

with the site for white females and black males who are interested in interracial sex, breeding and black domination.

the crates of saddamy

Thursday, April 12, 2007


out'shine' vt. -shone' or -shined', -shin'ing 1 to shine brighter or longer than (another) 2 to surpass, excel
Kniphofia uvaria Red-hot poker zones 6-9 native to South Africa, this plant groes 4 ft. high with an erect clump-forming habit. tubular flowers in red and yellow are clustered at the top of a poker-straight, thick, succulent stem held high above the leaves, which are spiky, arching out and in a clump. Popular for mixed beds and borders, and rock gardens. Also excellant for cuttings. Prefers fertile, well-drained loam or sandy soil in full sun. Drought resistant. Propagated by seed, root division and offsets. Summer flowering.
av-oir-du-pois (av'er de poiz') n. goods of weight 1 a system of weights in which 16 oz. = 1 lb.: also avoirdupois weight 2 weight, esp of a person